The Calle Stenman Quintet - Mr. Sands Is In The Dressing Room

The Calle Stenman Quintet - Mr. Sands Is In The Dressing Room



After touring Sweden, Norway, Switzerland and Spain with different bands Calle Stenman now releases his first ever album as a bandleader.

The music on the record can be described as dynamic and in a split second it can shift from something delicate and frail to something explosive and wild. The whole product has a somewhat raw feel to it and the group proudly consider themselves to be “Sweden’s self-proclaimed roughest jazz group”. It was after taking an interest in the different facades people hide behind in social interactions Calle decided to explore these mundane theatrical performances in music.

The different songs on the record symbolize the fragility of life and the masks everyday people shelter behind, protecting themselves from the outside world. 

Calle Stenman [trumpet, flugelhorn], Martin Wirén [tenor saxophone, clarinet], Anton Dromberg [piano]

Arvid Jullander [bass], Filip Olofsson [drums]

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